Our Vision

To be the leading provider for complex and demanding insurance software solutions.

Our Mission

To empower insurance companies


  1. To evaluate their products & risks with state-of-the-art tools.
  2. Keep their risk evaluation process up-to-date.
  3. Quickly adapt risk evaluation to a fast-changing world.


Client Centricity

A client-centric approach with predictability, transparency, and alignment is a way of doing business that prioritises the needs and expectations of the client.

  • Predictability. We commit to our estimations and predictions.
  • Transparency. Honesty and clear communication are integral to our processes. We visualize our work in progress.
  • Alignment. We understand the reasoning and business value of our work.


  • Quality. We don’t negotiate quality, we negotiate scope. Investing in quality and clean code makes us faster Built-in quality.
  • Innovation. We provide time and space to be creative, enabling for innovation. Every employee has its own guild time.
  • Domain Expertise. We know our business domain.

Insurance providers rely on complex applications to manage their operations and serve their customers.
Solveva's expertise allows it to create solutions that meet these needs effectively and efficiently.

Work Ethic

We value hard work, dedication,
and commitment from our team members, and we strive to create a workplace environment that enables them to reach
their full potential.

  • Teamwork. We act as a team, empower each other. We put team goals over personal goals.
  • Responsibility. We take on responsibility for our actions and related outcome.
  • Open-minded. We listen to each other. We respect other opinions and find compromises for the good of the team and the company.
  • Passion/Intrinsic Motivation. Your ideas are valuable. The individual contributions are key to the company’s success.
  • Empowerment. We foster decision making and accountability at team level.


We use agile processes, such as SAFe, to continuously improve and adapt as necessary.
Additionally, we place a strong emphasis on education and learning, constantly working to improve our organization and the skills of our team members.

  • Agile. We use agile processes to continuously improve.
  • Education. We train our people in SAFe proven processes We adapt where deemed expedient to reach our goals.
  • Learning. We are committed to improve our organization.

We work hard and play hard

We understand that in today’s fast-paced world, where people are constantly connected to their work, it has become increasingly important to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Work-life balance ->